[pp.int.general] Plagiarism is bad because it infringes copyright????

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Fri Mar 4 15:31:08 CET 2011

    My post is at

I have two corrections to suggest.  One is to spell my name correctly:
it has just one n.  The other, more important, is that when the
article says

    I mention this because plagiarism is often confused with
    intellectual property and especially copyright,

it treats "intellectual property" as a meaningful reference to a
coherent something.  In addition, plagiarism is not confused with
copyright per se, but rather with infringement.  Both points could be
clarified by replacing the sentence with this one,

    I mention this because plagiarism is often confused with copyright

or this one.

    I mention this because plagiarism is often confused with copyright
    infringement (which is often further confused by calling copyright
    "intellectual property").

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
www.fsf.org, www.gnu.org

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