[pp.int.general] Should Pirate Parties include the coming Swarm Economy as policy?

Philip Hunt cabalamat at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 19 19:51:28 CET 2011

On 18 March 2011 14:46, Ikke <Ikke at piratenpartij.nl> wrote:
> And by swallowing up all human interaction it makes people's lives poorer,
> as competition requires specialisation and excellence, therefore requiring
> the individual to keep perfecting a handful of activities. And besides that
> handful of activities where one excels, all others are taken by other
> specialists.

You write of specialisation and excellence as if they are bad things
-- they are not. The internet couldn't exist with a lot of
highly-skilled specialists, nor could many areas of a modern economy.

Philip Hunt, <cabalamat at gmail.com>

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