[pp.int.general] 15th Octobre -> Occupy Together

Martin Rieth martin.rieth at piratenpartei-goettingen.de
Sat Oct 8 14:12:59 CEST 2011

Hi there, PPI, Thomas Gaul, BuVo-PP-Deutschland,

next saturday (15.Octobre) a demonstration around the globe is planned
against financial exploitation of every human and every part of nature.


Is there any action planned on the ppi or ppi-de?
I think this a very good example, of when and where the ppi should make
a statement.

:: Please make one NOW!

Please call for participation on a multi-national level!
Make a statement that currently we are the only party able to make!

I say 42, Martin Rieth (PiratenPartei Göttingen, Germany)
martin.rieth at piratenpartei-goettingen.de
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