[pp.int.general] Podcast of Hadopi (in spanish and with the Hadopi´s Spokesman)

Maxime Rouquet maxime.rouquet at partipirate.org
Mon Oct 10 15:12:44 CEST 2011

On 10/10/2011 02:34 PM, eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar wrote:
> Hi, yesterday the French Pirate Party retwitteo a message from us asking
> for volunteers to do a spanish´s podcast of Hadopi.
> One person who responded is Eric Walter he´s Hadopi Spokesman.

Hi Eduardo,

Unfortunately it is not easy for us to find someone from Pirate Party of
France who is fluent in Spanish and could answer to your questions.

(I barely speak a few words, not good enough for an interview. Would it
be fair to prepare in advance questions and answers ? I suppose I could
read Spanish reasonably well.)

I am not surprised Eric Walter jumped on your message (he is mainly --
and more than generously -- paid to speak everywhere about HADOPI, and
seems to spend his time on Twitter looking for that kind of thing.)

I might not be able to answer your questions in Spanish, but feel free
to contact me if you want an overview of the HADOPI in French or
English, or suggestions on which questions you could ask to HADOPI's

The President of the HADOPI recently stated that thanks to them the
SACEM (French company collecting and distributing money in the name of
artists, authors and editors) and PP-FR are speaking to each other. I
have a slightly different point of view on that, and the good and bad
uses of their €11 million budget.


Maxime Rouquet
Président du Parti Pirate

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