[pp.int.general] After October 12, neo-colonialism in Latin America

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar
Thu Oct 13 10:55:57 CEST 2011

In chocado October 12 Columbus came to America..
Now our politicians are still thinking as a colony:

"Farmers in Argentina are facing competition from foreign firms that want
to buy up land to plant crops.
In the southern Patagonia region, China's Beidahuang food company plans to
lease over 300,000 hectares of land to grow genetically modified soya,
corn and other crops.
The Chinese have also agreed to invest in infrastructure and to rebuild
the badly damaged irrigation system in the area.
The locals are, however, worried about the environmental damage that comes
with the excessive use of agrochemicals in large scale farming.
Teresa Bo reports from Rio Negro."

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