[pp.int.general] The first 10 minutes of Doctorow´s #PPInt GA in Prague 2012

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar
Wed Apr 18 12:12:03 CEST 2012

Youtube automatic subtitles/captions of the first 10 minutes of Doctorow
at the #PPInt GA in Prague 2012 , If someone wants to review and correct.

Can be opened and edited with notepad

Here is the all video  : http://youtu.be/n-jbe4gBbLw

If Wolfgang can upload or send the rest of the  automatic´s youtube
subtitle/captions anyone would revise and edit it. Is easier to leave it
in English first and translated into other languages ​​later.

Very good job of Wolfgang with the videos , congratulations!

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