[pp.int.general] Argentina subcampeon worst´s copyright laws of the world

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar
Sat Apr 28 17:28:19 CEST 2012

Yes, the worst´s copyright laws are in the 3rd world.

"Conversely, Jordan has always had much more narrowly-crafted limitations
to copyright. In fact, in 2000 Jordan signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
with the US requiring it to increase its IP protection to still more
levels than required by the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights, or TRIPS, of the World Trade Organisation

Shamefully, the least developed world regions – Africa and Latin America –
were those with the harshest IP laws for consumers, whereas the most
developed regions – North America and Oceania – had those most favourable
consumers.5 This is largely because African and Latin American countries
based their IP laws on those of the colonial powers"


So, "pirates" issues  are vital to the third world, the people of our
countries don´t think that :-(.

Look at the case of Malawi.

But there aren´t many european consumer´s asociation´s in International
Consumers (who who made the report)


Partido Pirata Argentino

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