[pp.int.general] everyone's current polls/surveys?

carlo von lynX lynX at pirate.my.buttharp.org
Fri Aug 3 15:07:22 CEST 2012

hi, we are forming a berlin action crew that contacts international folks
in our most multilingual neighborhoods and informs them of how they
could be helping their respective pirate parties in their respective
countries.. i'd like to bring up some survey percentages or recent
election results to give them a rough idea of how we are performing
internationally. i found it practically impossible to figure any out.
could you help? i collected the ones i know at


here's the write-up we were thinking to distribute in flyers, hope
it's accurate:

Hi there, we are mostly.harmless, the International Pirate Crew. We'd
like to talk politics with Internationals like you. We'd like you to tell us
your stories of bureaucratic or integrational trouble that you've
experienced. Now that we're in the various Berlin parliaments, why
may be able to do something about it. You could shape initiatives that
make Berlin a better place. We the Pirates are an international political
movement for civil rights, digital competence, political transparency
and real participation in policy-making. You may one day choose to
help the Pirate Party in your own country with your Berlin experience.
As of 2012-08, Pirates have 2 Swedish representatives in the European
Parliament, 45 in 4 German regional parliaments and local seats in
Catalonia (Spain), Tyrol (Austria), Switzerland, Austria and especially in
the Czech Republic. In several countries we have respectable numbers
in pre-election polls, like the 1,8% in Italy, while the German Pirates are
set to enter the Bundestag at around 8%.

 psyc://psyced.org/~lynX - http://my.pages.de - xmpp:lynX at psyced.org
 irc://psyced.org/piraten - https://psyced.org/PSYC/?room=piraten

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