[pp.int.general] Transatlantic Partnership ?

Scott Elcomb psema4 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 22:04:10 CET 2012

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 3:51 PM,  <eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar> wrote:
> Anyone knows if exists something like the Trans Pacific Partnership but
> for the Atlantic?
> Some people are talking these.
> And, if exists, it has a lot of intellectual property issues...And
> Argentina is in the Atlantic (shit)...
> I look for something and I found these:
> http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/us-and-eu-transatlantic-partnership-21st-century
> But no more.

I haven't heard of anything like a TAP (trans-atlantic) agreement but
Canada and the EU are currently negotiating CETA.  CETA includes a
number of "intellectual property" provisions (including pharma patents
& geographic indicators which AFAIK remain two of the major issues yet
to be resolved).  Negotiations are almost done but may drag on for a
few months still.

For some fairly broad coverage on CETA (and the odd article on TPP)
see <https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/canada-eu-ceta>

  Scott Elcomb
  @psema4 on Twitter / Identi.ca / Github & more

  Atomic OS: Self Contained Microsystems

  Member of the Pirate Party of Canada

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