[pp.int.general] EU commission declares protests as being non democratic ?

Pat Mächler patrick.maechler at pp-international.net
Tue Feb 21 11:06:42 CET 2012

Hi Mab,

Yes, you are correct.
They declare that some intentions behind the protests are not being
democratic in nature.
I apologize for mixing this up.

Then again I find it odd to pull that argument at an issue concerning
a treaty where at least some people have doubts
a) if the process of how it came into existence and
b) if the power and member selection of the intended ACTA commission
adheres to the democratic principle in general.

The sentence in question reads
"“Aber es werde letzlich schwer fallen, die organisierte
Zivilgesellschaft damit zu überzeugen. Dort würden oft Interessen
vertreten, die nicht der breiten Gesellschaft entsprächen. Hier seien
gezielte Aktivitäten zu beobachten, die nicht immer den vorgeblich
demokratischen Absichten gerecht würden."
which I would translate as
"But ultimately it will fall hard to convince the organized civil
society with it. There often interests are represented that do not
correspond to the wider community. Specific activities are to be
observed, which would not always do justice to the the supposedly
democratic intentions."


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Mattias Bjärnemalm
<mattias.bjarnemalm at piratpartiet.se> wrote:
> Google translate is not always good for understanding nuances. But if I read
> the text correctly the commission doesnt speak about the protests as being
> undemocratic, but of the aims of some of the people behind the protests
> being not democratic ( which is most likely true). The mention of the word
> undemocratic seems to be from whoever wrote the blog post.
> But perhaps the translation mixes up things for me?
> /Mab
> Pat Maechler aka Valio <pirate at valio.ch> skrev:
> can someone deny or confirm this?
> according to this story some leaked internal meeting minutes the EU
> commission discusses the European wide protests against ACTA as being
> undemocratic...hm....speaking about ACTA...
> http://translate.google.ch/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Firights.info%2Fblog%2Farbeit2.0%2F2012%2F02%2F20%2Feuropaische-kommission-halt-acta-protest-fur-teilweise-undemokratisch%2F
> given this story is true, it would be a huge "WTF?" for the EU
> commission from my POV
> -pat
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