[pp.int.general] SOPA - Should we go on blackout strike?

Andrew Norton ktetch at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 18:11:08 CET 2012

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On 1/14/2012 5:54 AM, Martin Rieth wrote:
> Moin Moin Pat, 
> Samstag, 14. Januar 2012 - Pirate Parties International -- General Talk :
>> TL;DR: Who would opt for a blackout strike on 18th of January against
>> SOPA? or should it be later? see http://sopastrike.com/ for details
> There should be a call for action from the pirates in US.
> I wont suggest to black a german local pirate page or my homepage, since
> the topic is still to much US specific, even if it concerns all of us.
> The pp-international.net is currently linking to:
> http://www.pirate-party.us/ which is already on a kind of strike. :-\

Until a week ago that was redirecting onto the website below.

Last week, we made some changes, which were to bring up a site for the
USPP's new book, No Safe Harbor (which was supposed to be released
tomorrow, but about 12 hours ago, had to be pushed back a week, mainly
because of errors in the print versions, but also because of a website
issue. That leads to...

> The http://us.pirate.is/ is not really active.
It's not really the 'official' site. It is more of a temporary site, run
by the Washington state group (who, on the advice of their chairman -
also the guy in charge of hosting - went for Icelandic domain's and
hosting, based on some 'creative' interpretations of the IMMI.

We're in the process of getting all this sorted and brought back up to
date and working hard on it this past week.

> So i suggest we, members of ppi, start pushing us-pirates into existence
> and then to become political activist and then go on strike. ,-)
We've been here. I just wish it was 1/10 as easy to get a party going
here as it is in Europe. it's not that they are against new parties,
they just feel you should prove you're serious... by having 900 pages of
rules for each state, DIFFERENT rules for each state, with different
requirements, dates, fees, restrictions, etc. In fact the ONLY thing
they all have in common is that they all state that each election cycle
is separate, and the leg-work done for one cycle, doesn't carry over for
the next one (and election cycles generally start Jan1 of each odd
year). For New York State, I believe it's 15,000 statements of support
(might only be 10,000 though) but if that total isn't reached and filed
by (i think) September, all the ones collected this year will have to be
discarded, and start from scratch again in January.
Oklahoma hasn't had 3 parties in YEARS. Which is why the Green Party is
now suing the state.

Back on topic.

I'd been taking a back seat with the US for the past few months (I'd
rebuilt the party twice already, after other people took over and let it
die, I didn't want to do it a third time) while I focused on other
things. In the past month I've been pushing hard to get things going
again and it seems to be working.

I've also been helping get my local state party going
(http://www.piratepartyofgeorgia.org/) but there's just two of us, and
we're both really busy right now.

It's again, an issue of what happens when you just leave techie/coders
in charge of things - they end up arguing about the details, and never
get it finished. The same is true of the re-organisation plans for the
national org.

We're here, we're working, and we're trying to get back on top of things.

> In that order. >:-)
> Anyway i suggested wikipedia.org to go on strike.
> I say 42, Martin Rieth
> -----
> Pirateparty Europe, Germany, Göttingen

USPP member (Georgia State)
PPUK member (press team)

- -- 
Andrew Norton
Tel: +1(352)6-KTETCH [+1-352-658-3824]
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