[pp.int.general] PPI Court of Arbitration ruling n. 2012-1A

Marco Confalonieri marco.confalonieri at pp-international.net
Wed Jan 18 00:15:28 CET 2012

**** Summary ****

Co-chairman Samir Allioui asked the PPI Court of Arbitration to
investigate on the process that led the PPI Board to choose Prague as
location for the next General Assembly of PPI.
The claim of S. Allioui focused on two arguments :

– The board of PPI, both in the previous and actual composition, had an
engagement to select a location outside Europe.

– The location was chosen because of corruption/personal advantage of
members of the board and not in the interest of Pirate Parties

For the first argument, the Court of Arbitration reminds that no
evidence or testimony has been found to support the claim that the PPI
board had an engagement to host the next General Assembly outside of Europe.

However, the Court of Arbitration ruled that, even if such engagement
did exist and was proven, none of the proposals that were made to the
Board in both the previous and actual composition would have met the
actual requirements of such engagement, and therefore discarded this

The call for public cooperation, to find evidence for the second
argument of corruption, made by the Court of Arbitration in its n°2012-1
preliminary ruling gave no response.

The Court of Arbitration therefore discharged the previous and actual
boards of corruption claims.

**** Court of Arbitration ruling n°2012-1-A, 2012 January the 17th ****

-> PPI Co-chairman Samir Allioui filling charges of corruption against
the rest of the PPI board regarding the choice of next GA location.


Given the PPI Statutes,

Given the December 20th of 2011 "Filing charges against the board of PPI
regarding the next GA Location" statement by the PPI co-chairman Samir

Given the various debates that followed on PPI restrict "PP leaders",
"PP leaders discussions", and public "general" mailing-lists,

Given the audio recordings and text minutes from the 2011-12-20 PPI
board meeting,

Given the minutes from 2010 December PPI board meetings,

Given the January 3th preliminary ruling n°2012-1 by the Court of


1) Considering Samir Allioui affirmed in a December 21th mail that an
oral agreement had been made in Brussels PPI General Assembly, promising
that the 2011 PPI GA would take place outside of Europe.

2) Considering Samir Allioui stated that testimonies could be provided.

3) Considering Samir Allioui did not provide such testimonies to the
Court of Arbitration.

4) Considering that, whatever the engagements taken or not in Brussels
GA, the PPI board could not select a PPI GA location outside of Europe
if no serious offer was made meeting this requirement.

5) Considering that, according to the PPI board minutes, only two offers
were made to the 2010-2011 PPI board, both in Germany.

6) Considering that, regardless of the scope of the possible engagements
that could have been taken in Brussels, the main motivation for hosting
the PPI General Assembly outside of Europe would have been to allow PPI
Members from other continents to send delegates more easily.

7) Considering that none of the three offers to host the PPI General
Assembly that were made to the 2011-2012 PPI board could have fulfilled
this condition, as they were all located either inside, or too close to

8) Considering that the official offer to host the PPI General Assembly
in Tunisia by the self-proclaimed Pirate Party of Tunisia has been sent
after the deadline.

9) Considering that the Pirate Party of Tunisia has acknowledged to the
Court of Arbitration that fact, stated that they did not have any
evidence of corruption of the PPI board, and did not reply to the
subsequent Court of Arbitration inquiries.

10) Considering that therefore, the engagements to host the next PPI
General Assembly outside of Europe that Samir Allioui is referring to,
which remain to be proven, would neither justify invalidating the
choices of the PPI General Assembly locations by the 2010-2011 and the
2011-2012 PPI Boards, nor constitute a corruption evidence.


11) Considering Samir Allioui affirmed in his December 20th statement
that there was corruption in the PPI board choice of PP-CZ location for
2012 PPI General Assembly over proposition from PP-RU and PP-TN, and
that evidence of it could be found easily.

12) Considering that the Court of Arbitration did not find any proof of
corruption in a first look into the mail exchanges, the minutes from
previous PPI board meetings, or the pad and audio recording from
2011-12-20 PPI board meetings.

13) Considering that Samir Allioui has been asked to point out to the
Court of Arbitration clear and explicit evidence of his corruption claim.

14) Considering that Samir Allioui has not given a more precise
indication in the delay given by the Court of Arbitration.

15) Considering that the charges of corruption of the board by a PPI
co-chairman are an extremely serious claim, and that all the chances had
to be given to characterize the claim before dismissing the corruption
charges toward the PPI board.

16) Considering that a public call for evidence of corruption allowing
privacy and anonymity has been made by the Court of Arbitration in its
preliminary ruling n°2012-1.

17) Considering that nobody answered to the public call for evidence of

18) Considering that, therefore, there are no elements to support the
claim of corruption of the PPI board.


Article 1) There was not corruption in the choices of the 2011 and 2012
PPI General Assembly locations.

Article 2) The current ruling will be published on the PPI website.

Deliberated by the Pirate Party International Court of Arbitration on
January 10th of 2012, attended by the followings :

Sven Clement,
Marco Confalonieri,
Arturo Martinez,
Maxime Rouquet

Marco Confalonieri Associazione Partito Pirata (PP Italy)
Marco Confalonieri Associazione Partito Pirata (PP Italy)
Marco Confalonieri Associazione Partito Pirata (PP Italy)
Marco Confalonieri Associazione Partito Pirata (PP Italy)
Marco Confalonieri Associazione Partito Pirata (PP Italy)

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