[pp.int.general] MegaUpload raided, shut down on request of US authorities

Aza rata_0071 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 25 14:14:10 CET 2012

2012/1/24 Antonio Garcia <ningunotro at hotmail.com>:
> The problem is not really about finding an alternative formula for a perfect
> world... it is about finding a doable way to deal appropriately with those
> that will not voluntarily abandon the rotten logics they have built their
> present world with and continue thus to poison any alternatives present and
> future.

That's the thing about cooperatives, you can haz it with capitalism. :p
You can educate by example, show the alternative and it's advantages.

In Argentina there are some examples of bankrupt companies
recovered by their workers as a cooperative, administrated by an
assembly of the employee-owners.


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