[pp.int.general] Other (no sot good) reaction to MU joint complaint campaign

Kenneth Peiruza kenneth at pirata.cat
Mon Jan 30 11:25:45 CET 2012

Al 30/01/12 10:52, En/na Richard Stallman ha escrit:
>     > They have right to privacy. Ok, they hosted their own data at MU, but it
>     > doesn't mean that FBI can look up in their files to find whatever they are
>     > looking for. I guess they are looking for copyrighted work.
>     That's the nature of a search and is the same if a companys data is
>     seized offline.
> That doesn't make it right.  You seem to be assuming the basic premise
> that a state is immune to ethical condemnation as long as it follows laws.
+1, wasn't it legal to kill jews, gipsy and commies in Germany  some
years ago?

I've a bit of muslim and jewish blood, and probably gipsy as well, and a
former commie for sure ... might it had been ethical to kill me?

Lapidation of women being raped because they didn't married their rapers
is common in many countries... it is legal, is it right?
Death penalty for homosexuals is common in 1/3 of this planet.... it is
legal, is it right?
Charging you 30 years in jail for having pot at home is common in the
US, it is legal, is it right?
Teenagers are kidnapped and jailed in Guantanamo bay, it is legal, is it

You should NEVER defend unfair laws, that was the spirit of the
Caribbean pirates.

IMHO, if you accept injustice you're not a pirate, neither a human
being, just a happy slave or a machine.

" I have never advocated "passive" anything. We must never submit to
unjust laws. Never. And our resistance must be active and provocative."
( Gandhi ).


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