[pp.int.general] Towards a Pirate Policy on Environmental Issues

Torbjörn Wester torbjorn.wester at piratpartiet.se
Sun Jul 29 19:14:35 CEST 2012

Cheers to everybody, this being my first mail to this list.

I'm interested in your opinions on what different standpoints would be
appropriate and relevant when it comes to developing a Pirate Policy on
environmental issues.

Right now we don't have very much to say on this topic, at least when it
comes to the Swedish Pirate Party. Of course we are opposed to the
inhibiting effects of patents on "green tech", but that is quite limited as
an environmental policy.

What would be a functional Pirate perspective on environment issues? (1)
What environmental challenges are to be primarily prioritized? (2) What
solutions would we prefer to said challenges?

Best Regards,
Torbjörn Wester
Board Member, Swedish Pirate Party

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