[pp.int.general] Towards a Pirate Policy on Environmental Issues

Aza rata_0071 at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 31 03:24:59 CEST 2012

2012/7/30 Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>:
> But on the general philosophy of a Pirates platform in this area - I would
> favour an approach where a broad philosophical approach on green issues was
> adopted. Not only because that would be a progressive approach for a
> progressive party, but because pragmatically preferencing and deal-making
> with Greens would be productive. It might also encourage Greens to look more
> closely at issues the Pirates are promoting.

I think we as pirates are for the defense of the common goods, that
means culture and knowledge but that also mean the land, water and
biodiversity. There lays the basis for a green pirate philosophy and
also for an access to land movement.


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