[pp.int.general] Announcing my candidature for the board of PPI

Brendan Molloy brendan.molloy at pirateparty.org.au
Tue Mar 27 13:24:14 CEST 2012

Hey guys,

I officially announce my candidature for a position on the board of PPI.
I'm disappointed to say that I won't be attending the conference in
Prague this year due to financial constraints, but I will be a remote
delegate. Below is the bio that will be on the wiki when it decides that
I am no longer a spam bot.

    I wish to bring a different perspective to a generally Eurocentric
board. After watching the slow demise of the last board, I thought it
would be best to step up in order to help bring much needed stability
and transparency to PPI.

    Using the experience gained working with the Pirate Party in
Australia since 2008, I intend to progress PPI in ways such as pushing
for architectural independence (wikis, blogs), assisting in getting a
PPI representative to the SCCR committee at WIPO and pushing for as much
transparency as possible from the board.

I look forward to and thank you for your support for my bid. If you have
any questions, please, do ask! :)


Brendan Molloy
Pirate Party Australia

M: +61 449 617 246
W: http://www.pirateparty.org.au
E: brendan.molloy at pirateparty.org.au
T: @piecritic

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