[pp.int.general] The true core Pirates principles, -Serious attempt to get a workable consensus - TLDR version

thijs.markus at piratenpartij.nl thijs.markus at piratenpartij.nl
Thu Sep 27 20:30:20 CEST 2012

Let's keep it more simple than a long list:

Our core principle is: to make the decision that is most beneficial to
most people over the longest term. The rest is circumstantial.

Piss off with your petty ideologies and grand principles. The first
reduces all the great many ways of looking at the universe into a single
viewpoint to be carried by a mob, and principles are upheld by no sane
person without a long list exemptions. 
Arguably, we have the opportunity here with this grand communication
netwerk to actually make the objectively best decision for everyone, that
is at least the experiment which the pirate party is all about in my view.
We can do this better without the voluntary lobotomy called ideology or

On Thu, 27 Sep 2012 14:58:49 +0200, Anouk Neeteson <jakobsheep at gmail.com>
> Thanks Antonio for the awarness on the self-censoring. We are truely our
> own enemies.
> I keep this in mind with my synthesis.

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