[pp.int.general] Global Dictatorship: Intellectual Property Denaturation or Why a Pirate Party in the Third World?

David van Deijk davidd at piratenpartij.nl
Mon Feb 25 13:26:45 CET 2013

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar schreef op 14.02.2013 18:23:
> An article (in spanish), We could put:
> Why a Pirate Party in the Third World
> http://matrizur.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24869:dictadura-mundial-desnaturalizacion-de-la-propiedad-intelectual-&catid=47:conocimiento-y-tecnologia
> (google traduction of the last, sorry my english si not good :-0)
> "As ever, the global intellectual property system has permeated
> government structures of the weaker countries economically or 
> morally:
> Asia, the former Eastern Europe, Africa or Latin America and the
> Caribbean are victims of a sinister plan of colonization of science,
> technology and culture...."
> "The hidden power of corporations has triggered denaturation of all
> the regulatory mechanisms of the global intellectual property to make
> way for a global collective dictatorship legalized by the governments
> within the World Intellectual Property Organization.
> The failure of governments to focus attention warranted in this
> essential mechanism of wild capitalism (capitalism) that in its early
> end predatory perverts sustainable development instruments of
> companies that want to be independent of all forms of domination."


I was reading how the TPP is negotiated specifically to stop india
from denying some pharma patent.
How strong can the wests stranglehold on the third world become
before we realise in the end we are holding ourselves back.

The west seems to choose short term profits over longterm growth.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
David van Deijk.
Kandidaat Tweede Kamer 2012,
Ledenraadslid 2013-
Piratenpartij Nederland
David.van.Deijk at piratenpartij.nl

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