[pp.int.general] Global Dictatorship: Intellectual Property Denaturation or Why a Pirate Party in the Third World?

David van Deijk davidd at piratenpartij.nl
Tue Feb 26 11:12:16 CET 2013

Richard Stallman schreef op 25.02.2013 22:51:

> I agree with the substantial point but I urge people not to use the
> term "intellectual property".  It is enemy propaganda, and it spreads
> confusion every time.  See 
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html.

Yes, the phrase Rick coined "intellectual protectionism" is an 
In the Netherlands I have used "intellectual monopolisms" in articles
I wrote.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
David van Deijk.
Kandidaat Tweede Kamer 2012,
Ledenraadslid 2013-
Piratenpartij Nederland
David.van.Deijk at piratenpartij.nl

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