[pp.int.general] Progress is made by hard work

Laboratorio Eudemonia eulab at hyperlinker.com
Fri Jan 18 10:14:59 CET 2013

I am very happy for the occurred exchange of visions, for the comparación/confrontation between the two political realities of the Internet Parties and the Pirate Parties. It is very constructive, positive, that as human beings, as simple citizens we can look at them both, that we can analize, criticize and improve this double political group. Personally I appreciate very much the ideas of freedom and participation to which refer the Pirate Parties. But there is more to make me look at Pirates like good companions. 

The evolution of our societies must necessarily pass through the total restructuration of our States. The concept and presence of a State are good. It is not good, instead, the permanence for life of a minority inside many public jobs/roles/powers. It is just this tyrannic (un-public) thick organization that has caused and causes almost all the problems of our societies and of our world. All over the Earth, peoples are fighting in order to survive to the laws imposed (through the state servants) by States that are directed by elites, lobbies and mafias. The figure of a Pirate therefore is very actual and useful for his ancient, traditional "disinterest" for coercitive laws. The idea to abandon the extra large current load of unfair laws, in order to affirm few good principle that could guide us, could be, in my opinion, one fundamental aim of the Pirate Parties.

But the job of a wide change, of an organic, whole revision of the design of the society is not a job for few people, it is not matter for a Party, even for a Pirate Party. And here arrives, very useful, the idea around which is build the Internet Parties: the opening of the Parliament to whoever has a good idea and project. But the way in which this is actually made is not yet the maximum. And here arrives this conceptual proposal:

The Social Innovations Market
(awarded permanent people's assembly)

that could be concretely accessed by a webtool based on:

The Patchwork Model

Progress is made by hard work. Only who is available to that will contribute to a real progress.

Best regards,

Danilo D'Antonio

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