[pp.int.general] OT- fake italy pirate party: marco manuel marsili / max loda / and others

lilo alessandra.minoni at pp-international.net
Tue Jun 4 21:34:33 CEST 2013

hi all :)

dear fellow pirates,

this my mail only to point out and ask for your focus:

I have been recommanded by Nicola (look at the private mail below)

PAY STRONG ATTENTION to answer YES for add in FACEBOOK the *fake*
pirateparty italy:

Marco Manuel Marsili, and his photocopy of our site "votopirata.it"
(that WE did copy from CATALAN friends :P):


and the multiple pages and accounts in facebook. plus pirateparty.it.

he dont represent the trust PP-IT.

he was been sentenced by a court in Milan for identity theft against us:


he is a professional "lists flirt," he copied us, 2 times, 2 fake
pirates caribbean LOL and pirateparty.it, one for M5S, one for Ingroia
list, one for  Monti list.

he goes around the net claiming to be the only official and pirate
party. ASD.

please, pirates that are listed below may provide for the blocklist?

he is literally and deliberately polluting our "communication".

he is caming from OLD politic, in particular LEGA NORD (strong-fascist
against migrant), working for SIAE pro-copyright, and a lot of other
craps, very FAR from our concept of democracy.

thanks and regards


coordinator communication press and socialmedia


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: visto che sei internazionale....
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 20:25:34 +0200
From: Nicola Rossi <

il Marsili su fb stà facendo una campagna di accreditamento
aggiungendo Pirati internazionali a destra e manca.

Visto che te la cavi molto bene sull'internazionale ...
puoi informarli  tu per favore?


-Da grande faro' il cattivo esempio, questo e' uno stage formativo-
bit in rebels
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