[pp.int.general] stopTTIP initiative - worldwide - update (05.04.2014)

Torben Lechner hyazinthe at emailn.de
Sat Apr 5 19:16:18 CEST 2014

Hi folks,

just a short, casual update, what's going on recently...

- The doodle pool for the demo date is only running til tomorrow 8 p.m. ; plz don't forget to participate, pirate parties - http://doodle.com/yx9zvpn767cvbtfz?locale=en
-- as you can see, at least 30 pirate parties haven't voted on what demo date they prefer, yet; don't feel not concerned, every pirate party is asked.

- 10 demo locations are entried in the protestmap right now - https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=z2_7kVjvOAF0.kJGmGBbsABbM
-- plz also do a demo at your place; start with making a demo location entry on this wiki site: http://stopttipprotest.wikia.com/wiki/Demo_location_entries_in_protestmap

- we've set up a join-in portal now; that's a place where every person can find something for working against TTIP, TPP, CETA and Co. - http://stopttipprotest.wikia.com/wiki/EN:join-in_portalhttp://stopttipprotest.wikia.com/wiki/EN:join-in_portal
- one approach there is really exciting; you really should have a look at this: Let's create our own Anti-TTIP/TPP/CETA agreement - http://incoma.org/?c=8kTNRa9TQj

- as you can see, our wiki is developping well - http://stopttipprotest.wikia.com/wiki/Stopttipprotest_Wiki

- we've contacted hundreds of groups individually and invited them to the doodle pool for the demo date and any activity beyond this within the stop TTIP initiative - http://titanpad.com/spread-stopTTIP

/ aka Oliver

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