[pp.int.general] Happy New Year

Thomas Gaul thomas.gaul at pp-international.net
Fri Jan 2 21:44:04 CET 2015

Dear Members!

2014 is history. In the preceding year, quite a lot of things have happened!

For the non-governmental organisation Pirate Parties International
(PPI), our first major successes have been achieved.

So, we had two Think Twice Conferences (Frankfurt and Istanbul) which
are in themselves a way forward to spread our ideas - the board will
continue with this idea and call for other places to host future
conferences. The General Assembly in Paris decided to push forward with
a funding stream for PPI with affiliation dues. This was a big step, as
it showed most of the parties realized that NGO work cannot happen
without money, ensuring the elected board does not have to pay
everything out of their own pocket.

However, the CoA have just ruled against this motion. I am quite sure
this will only be a small step backwards. Two steps forward will follow,
I am sure of that.

Special thanks are given to to the Pirate Party of the United Kingdom,
the Pirate Party of Switzerland and the Pirate Party of Luxembourg who
had been very eager to support PPI; analysing our faults and giving
vital feedback to find a common way forward, and opening a bank account
on behalf of PPI. This work helped us all. Thank you very much!

There are still many tasks ahead. Our problems with WIPO have not gone
unnoticed, though  we all know with politics there is always another
way. Promised! As for other organisations where our knowledge is sorely
needed, the board will focus on them in 2015. As most important
international organisations have barriers for entry (we overcame one of
them, being registered as a Belgian AISBL for more than two years) we
need to address these in the coming year.

I am sure you will all support the upcoming efforts either by active
collaboration, or moral and/or monetary support. As all parties have
common aims we have decided upon, with PPI as the NGO arm we have the
duty to perform!

One another good thing that happened in 2014 which might help us is the
founding of the Pirate Party of Europe. I am convinced this political
party will remove the stigma of PPI just being "European-centric",
showing it can now only be a stigma in the past. The board of PPI,
instead, focus on how to be in better contact with all regions, all over
the world.

And knowing Pirate Parties e.g. in Australia and Argentina are doing a
great job in helping our common cause in their countries, the movement
will continue to grow. We are necessary and is up to all of us to push
forward for the success of our common aims.

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2015!

May the force be with us! :)

Best regards

Thomas Gaul
Chief Administrative Officer
Pirate Parties International (PPI)

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