<div>But that raises the question of weather it is obsolete. There is still music and movies to be made. The question that we have to ask is if those who create it have a right to be payed like a baker has the right to be payed for his bread.
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<div>However this brings up another point in its self. If a baker bakes a loaf of bread he can only sell that loaf once, as such he can only get payed one. But when a musician writes a song it can be sold an unlimited number of times.
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<div>Personally I believe there is need for the artist to have some financial gain from it. But I certainly wouldn't support levies on blank media as it is a completely ridicules idea. There is no way to monitor where the money should go, no way to ensure that only those who use it for copyright material get charged and would add unnecessary charge to something which can already be expensive.
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