Hi Pratik,<br><br>I am one of those members who made it possible for the Swedish PirateParty to get into EU and I really appreciate the sharpness of your pen in describing the issues of the party, in particular your extension of the word copyright and how it effects us:<br>
<br>"The IPR regime, designed to reward creativity, now stifles human growth by reducing public access to its fruits."<br><a href="http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?id=5c518589-abf5-4590-9377-dbf35e03becb">http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?id=5c518589-abf5-4590-9377-dbf35e03becb</a><br>
<br>This is something that is usually forgotten in European and Swedish mainstream news where we are presented as a party that are for kids that do not want to do the right thing and pay for the content. Until recently it was legal to share media content for private and then they decided to change the game due to pressure from the IPR regime. This would however not have made me vote for them as mainstream news seem to think, it is the principles of shared culture, free knowledge and protected private life that made me vote for the Pirate Party in Swedein already in 2006 and I will continue to do so until the other parties realize the importance of these principles. Please feel free to study our principles more in depth:<br>
<br><a href="http://www.piratpartiet.se/international/english">http://www.piratpartiet.se/international/english</a><br><br><br>- Nicolas