First, a big thumbs up to the German pirates, you now have a MEP, grats!<br><br>Second, I would like to suggest, that we completely and utterly separate the discussion on the reasons for pedofelia, with the talks of Mr. Tauss being guilty or not etc. In Denmark, we know for a fact, that the establishment is actively trying to connect the PP movement, with pedophilia, we should all keep that in mind when discussing these issues.<br>
<br>Now, I welcome any debate on the laws and problems involved with trying to "outlaw" pedofelia, but to go into discussion about the reason for old men wanting to fuck young boys etc, is irrelevant, retarded and like spitting against the wind.<br>
None of us have any clue what so ever about the "real" reasons for pedophilia and science has yet to come up with a biological test, that proves pedophilia to be a disease or just a trick of the mind.<br><br>Cheers - Erik Ernst PPDK<br>