In Romania, the law requires the forming political parties to have a written statute and program. The minimal number of people signing adhesion for the forming of the party is 25.000, divided in 18 county's with no less than 700 in each. A court of law verifies the signatures and registers the party. A subsequent criteria must be fulfilled or the party will be dissolved: a party must present candidates for at least one in two parliamentary elections in at least 18 electoral circumscriptions. The state is not blocking the registration, but the requirements are considered harsh here. A group with no financial support has very little chances of becoming a registered party. We, the Romanian Pirates struggle to make our party a reality. <br>
As a side note, I remember the support programs for developing the civil society, but we will not be able to get funding because they exclude political parties. Does anybody has any idea on how or where can we apply for funding? It might be interesting if somewhere in the world somebody will develop a program to sustain the forming of Pirate Parties.<br>