Thank you Norton. You where here while we where trying to get as much information as we could about the movement and sustained PPI for such a long time.<br>My 2 cents about the future:<br>A political party has as a primary objective the votes. Without the votes the ideas cannot be put into practice. This is why I my view all PP's must fight in their own countries to get as much votes as they can.<br>
PPI, has it's role, a very important one. No matter how many bright people are in a country, our problems are global. Only by bringing together all ideas, the best ones will be found. <br>I see PPI as a:<br>- think tank for finding the best arguments and solutions for the global problems<br>
- platform for coordinating actions that concern global problems and for providing coverage of local specific problems<br>- strategy support and tutoring for the newly emerging PP's. <br>We must be relistic. We cannot fight entertainment industry in a disorganised fashion. They have strategy, they have PR and finance. <br>
By using the ideas debated through PPI, using synchronization to create maximum impact and following coherent strategies, the objectives of PP movement will be achieved. <br>Technically, I am sure that from all PP's around the world somebody will provide hosting, webdesign and graphics. Maybe someone is specialized in PR to help building a PPI presence and if we look at the Obama campaign we will also understand how and why grassroots campaign is the base of success.<br>