OpenSTV version 1.6 ( Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50. Please go to to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or Amazon Payments. Certified election reports are also available. Please go to for more information. Loading ballots from file Tresuerer-election.el. Ballot file contains 2 candidates and 19 ballots. No candidates have withdrawn. Ballot file contains 17 non-empty ballots. Counting votes for Tresurer Election using Scottish STV. 2 candidates running for 1 seat. R|Nicolas |Ron |Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold ================================================================================================= 1| 17.00000| | 0.00000| 8.00000| 9.00000 |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Count of first choices. Candidate Nicolas has reached the threshold and is elected. Winner is Nicolas.