Hello,<br><br><div class="" id="magicdomid2"><span class="i">PPI wants to update
the "Best practices for creating a pirate party" page on the Wiki. We
need your input to be able to help new parties! Tell us about your
experience founding a party and what advice you would give people trying
to found a party in their country!<br><br>Here is the link to the pad: <a href="http://ppi.piratenpad.de/61">http://ppi.piratenpad.de/61</a><br></span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid3"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid4">
<span class="i">The ideas collected in the Pad will be put into the article in
the Wiki: ( </span><span class="i url"><a href="http://int.piratenpartei.de/Best_practices_for_creating_a_party">http://int.piratenpartei.de/Best_practices_for_creating_a_party</a></span><span class="i"> ) and sent to every person contacting PPI about creating a
Pirate Party.<br><br>Greetings,<br><br>Jerry<br></span></div><br>