Hi pirates<br><br><br>A few days ago I asked for your help in defending tpb, I recieved no answers at all, I made a similar request amongst danish pirates, and 1 person agreed to help.<br><br>To me, this was a test of how we are doing, and what the future might bring. <br>
<br>Im creating a group outside the Pirate Party, and we are going to fight back with art, music and happenings. <br><br>Im leaving this list now, as I no longer see a purpose in staying, I know Ill meet some of you again, fighting for what we believe in.<br>
<br>Good Luck pirates, you are going to need it.<br><br>Yours Respectfully<br><br>Erik Ernst<br><br>PS. The ACTA-widget for wp is awesome btw:)<br>