And so it begins in Romania too.<br><br>The Government approved a law proposal modifying an old "pornography law"and sent it to the Parliament. The proposal contains several issues for concern:<br>1. The term pornography is used also to designate materials which suggest sexual activity, therefore some cartoons depicting politicians can also be qualified as such.<br>
2. A state administrative authority is empowered to ask for blocking of websites not complying with the provisions of the law. The blocking is not done through a judiciary procedure, only through an administrative request from the Authority<br>
3. Responsible for blocking will be the ISP who will face penalties if they do not comply.<br>At this moment the proposal received favorable endorsement from 2 of the permanent commissions of the Senate and is under fierce discussions in the Culture Commission. <br>
The full English text of the proposal can be found here: <a href=""></a><br>
Since the idea is not original or even new I will not state here the arguments against but I will welcome any input on it. <br>Resources in Romanian language:<br>Senate legislative process for the law: <a href=""></a><br>
Online petition against it: <a href=""></a><br><br>Best regards from Romanian PP<br>Cristian<br>