<span class="text_exposed_show">Let`s show SOLIDARITY<br><br>In a lot of
Spanish cities and other countries of the EU and all over the world
people are taking to the streets to fight for real democracy and better
future opportunities. We all know these problems the spanish people are
fighting against; they concern us all and it is up to us to solve them
together. <br>That is why: Let us get together and talk about our
visions and show solidarity with all demonstrators especially the people
protesting in Spain.<br>One World, one struggle!<br>DEMOCRACIA REAL YA! Echte Demokratie - jetzt!<br><br>Precise plans will follow us soon as possible. We are happy about any kind of proposals, creative ideas, actions etc.<br>
Tell everybody!!!<br>We are meeting on Saturday 21.5.2011 at ten am to plan, brainstorm and make banners and other stuff in the Geiwimax at the faculty of humanities at the university of innsbruck, austria.</span>