<div dir="ltr">... in case you were wondering: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/notes/ppbr-partido-pirata-do-brasil/nota-do-partido-pirata-do-brasil-sobre-as-manifesta%C3%A7%C3%B5es-decorrentes-do-aumento-d/632006643493515">https://www.facebook.com/notes/ppbr-partido-pirata-do-brasil/nota-do-partido-pirata-do-brasil-sobre-as-manifesta%C3%A7%C3%B5es-decorrentes-do-aumento-d/632006643493515</a><br>
<br>People kneeling on the floor with their hands in the air were being shot at almost point-blank with rubber bullets, on their faces. Expired tear gas shells were shot.<br><br>Press was attacked as well, arrested. One reporter was shot in the eye and is blind, another one almost got blind.<br>
<br>Police seizing vinegar from protesters and press so they cannot protect themselves from the effects of tear gas and pepper spray. And so on.<br><br> And it´s spreading around the country. Police abuse in São Paulo last week, police abuse yesterday in Brasilia, police abuse today in Rio de Janeiro. And many, many other cities.<br>
<br>FIFA Confederations Cup began in Brazil. Government created no-protest no-expression exception zones around the country, so things will get rougher.</div>