Hi,<br /><br />How are you doing?<br /><span style="display: block;
text-align: left;">I'm sending you an email today to let you know that we
have got cuckoo clock in our warehouse now.<br />Ready to send to
global customers.</span><br /><span style="display: block; text-align:
left;">Retro nordic style cuckoo clock in our stock.<br />Cuckoo wall alarm
clock home Decoration accessories for living room.<br /><br />Bird goes out
with cuckoo sound every hour<br />Sit back, relax and unwind to the
soothing mountain sounds of this log cabin wall clock.<br />Night shut off:
Manually - The clock can be silenced manually with a lever.<br
/>Material:wood</span><br />Prices for different models: includes worldwide
shipping.<br />CM-010 - 89.99 each<br />CM-011 - 89.99 each<br />CL-010 -
139.99 each<br />CL-303 - 139.99 each<br /><br />You need to order this?
Just answer our mail along with your shipping address, we'll get the
shipment ready.<br />Please choose the right model from below, and let us
know the model number.<br /><br /><br /><br /><img
width="455" height="455" /><img
width="455" height="455" /><br /><img
width="455" height="455" /><img
width="455" height="455" /><br /><br /><img
width="455" height="455" /><img
width="455" height="455" /><br /><br /><br /><br />You need to order this?
Just answer our mail along with your shipping address, we'll get the
shipment ready.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Jake Allen<br /><br />