[pp.int.general] Fwd: stance on fairsharing / culture flatrate / levys

Florian Hufsky florian.hufsky at ppoe.or.at
Tue Mar 27 12:50:09 CEST 2007


we really need to get this discussion going asap.

What is the official pirate party stance on levys?

austria: yes. we already have a levy on blank media (cdr, dvdr,  
casettes, harddrives). introduce a levy on internet connections and  
legalize all noncommercial distribution (currently only copying is  
legal, "making stuff avaiable" (uploading) is illegal. albet all this  
will probably change this autumn when austria works on implementing  

btw; sums we're talking about: research by another party concluded  
that a levy of merely 1,- €per internet connection per month would be  

other countries: ?


Piratenpartei Österreichs

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