[pp.int.general] Trying to motivate the French

Juxi Leitner juxi.leitner at gmail.com
Sun May 20 18:55:41 CEST 2007

So I was really trying to get the French aboard for the Congress in
June  but so far they are not quite convinced. I myself dunno why so
maybe if one of you has contacts there please inform them that we
would really really like to have them here as well.
If you do not have a contact you could try to sign up and post in
their forum (it helps if you speak french, which I unfortunately do
not do :()

this is a call for help, so please help


[1] http://www.parti-pirate.info/forum/viewforum.php?id=52
(International Forum of the French Pirate Party)

"We need dreamers 'cuz in our dreams we see not what is but what can be!"

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