[pp.int.general] survey

Andrew Norton andrew.norton at pirate-party.us
Thu Sep 13 05:36:16 CEST 2007

we had a request come in for some data, and to pass this survey around, so here I am doing that. i'll include the email

To: info at pirate-party.us
Reply-To: "mrbungs at lineone.net" <mrbungs at lineone.net>
Subject: [Ticket#: 2007091310000017-FW] IP survey 

> Dear Sir/Madam,
> My name is Paul Stevens and I am currently finishing an Masters in 
> IT.  For my project I am looking into attitudes regarding 
> Intellectual  
> Property focussing on opposition to it.  I have constructed a 
> questionnaire but have had difficulty recruiting a sample.  If you 
> have 
> the time to fill in my questionnaire it would be very helpful for 
> me.  
> If you know of anyone else who might be interested please forward 
> them 
> the link as the more responses the better!  Any help you could 
> provide 
> would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
> Here is the link: 
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=0TpCl3Tq6ZHgQaVENc_2bD0Q_3d_3d
> Kind regards
> Paul Stevens

Andrew Norton

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