[pp.int.general] Purpose of copyright

Richard M. Stallman rms at gnu.org
Fri Aug 29 04:41:45 CEST 2008

    The strategy in all three cases for those who want to enforce violations
    of "intellectual monopolies" seem to be to confuse the different kinds
    of "intellectual monopolies" and call for the worst kind of penalty
    possible for enforcing any of these "intellectual monopolies".

You have put their strategy very clearly.  To attack all use of the
term "intellectual property" is our counter-strategy.

If someone bases his thinking on the concept of "intellectual
property", that term will naturally make him resistant to all Pirate
Party proposals.  "Doesn't that go against our obligation to uphold
intellectual property", he will ask?

The best defense against that is a good offense.  "When someone uses
that term, that is a clue he is not thinking clearly."  That will
forewarn people against the enemy's propaganda.

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