[pp.int.general] where is the manifesto?

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Wed Dec 24 08:28:41 CET 2008

> But it is best to rigorously avoid any reference to the
> concept of "balancing the users' interests with the
> intrests of the author or publisher.  That gives the author
> and publisher too much importance.

I am sorry: if the author is given *too much* interest, there is obviously 
no proper balance. And I advocate a (proper) balance of interests.

The benefit of the "balance" argument is that no one can reasonably oppose 
it. Of course, the question remains what constitutes a proper balance. And 
we agree that the interest of the author, and he publisher even more, is not 
to be exaggerated, to put it mildly.


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