[pp.int.general] where is the manifesto?

Richard M Stallman rms at gnu.org
Sun Dec 28 06:44:59 CET 2008

    and investigate the reason for such a right. Some human rights provisions
    can be changed by a (complicateed) democratic process, but others can't,
    like the first 20 articles of the German constitution - which include the
    "protection of property" provision.

I can see two ways around that:

* To declare that copyrights are not property, so this does
not apply.

* To declare that if the state, by legislation, can constitute
a new kind of property, it can also, by legislation, disconstitute
that kind of property, in a uniform and fair way.

Under the latter provision, confiscating one copyright might
require compensation, but shortening all copyrights would
be as legitimate as lengthening them all.

The operative general principle is that unjust privatization
which oppresses the people must not be impossible to relieve.

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