[pp.int.general] PPI platform for EU Election 2009

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Wed Dec 31 06:34:53 CET 2008

Reinier Bakels wrote:
> It may help to concentrate on present issues first. #1 imho is the 
> concerted action by record companies and their organisations (IFPI, 
> RIAA) to get more money from copyright. They campaign, and that calls 
> for a counter-campaign. The prime agument against their policy imho is 
> the obvious fact that they strive to "rent seeking": make more moeny 
> by influencing the legislator.
So, considering our core issues (Civil Rights and Liberties, 
Restrictions of Ideas and Information, Information Society, and 
Government Accountability and Transparency), do you suggest that we only 
focus on the /c word/ thing? What would you do, then, with the rest of 
core issues?

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