[pp.int.general] EU consultation about private copying levies

Carlos Ayala aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Tue Feb 19 00:16:53 CET 2008


Until 18th of April, we are allowed to send our replies to a public consultation on private copying levies:

- here is the questionnaire
- here is the background document

and here is the announcement:

"In order to deepen the Commission's understanding on the functioning of 
private copying levy schemes set up at national level, a second 'call for 
comments' is issued.
All stakeholders are invited to comment on the issues in the attached second 
call for comments. Answers and comments, which may cover all or only a limited 
number of the issues mentioned in the background document, should reach the 
e-mail address markt-d1 at ec.europa.eu 
by 18 April 2008.


If stakeholders wish to submit confidential responses, they should indicate 
clearly which part of their submission is confidential and should not be 
published on the Commission's website. All other submissions, not clearly marked 
as confidential, may be published by the Commission.


This call for comments follows an earlier consultation launched in June 2006:

- Questionnaire 2006
- Replies to the public consultation 2006"

Of course we would may decide to answer separately, each party sending its own reply; however, coordinating a joint reply as PPI we would may appear stronger for the European Commission's eyes, and our voice would may sound louder. What do you
 think? Regards

                                                                                         ( Aiarakoa )

                                                         Presidente de la Junta Directiva Nacional de PIRATA

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