[pp.int.general] Berlin Conference: the French imbroglio

Valentin Villenave v.villenave at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 16:37:23 CET 2008

Hallo Jan, hallo Jens, hi everybody.

I'd like you to know a few things about the Parti Pirate
representation at the Berlin Conference.

First of all, I'm happy to announce that we have a few projects that
we really would like to tell you about. We'd be happy if we could have
a few minutes to present ourselves, our history and our realizations
(20 minutes should do it, however we French people love to speak so if
you have more time to fill, we're your men ;)

However, I'm worried about another issue, which you should know about.

Two months ago, one of our former members, quite disgruntled, from who
we had never heard for several months, has suddenly created a hostile
fork of our Party, which he named the "Parti Pirate Français Canal
Historique". He made that move without a word of warning or
explanations, and even took away our domain name; plus he and his
fellows went ranting against us, even insulting us, in every media
they could find: TV, radio, internet, and so on.

As I told this International Mailinglist at that time, we had nothing
against them. We believe in freedom, and therefore could totally have
admitted that some of us would wish to make different choices, to take
different orientations. We would probably have welcome the birth of a
new pirate party -- if its sole purpose was not obviously to stab us
in the back, denigrate us, and replace us in the end.

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