[pp.int.general] levies consultation

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Sat Mar 29 12:19:39 CET 2008

> Also, I see no problem in answering all the questions, even only to say 
> "you trickster" -they are just questioning how to manage levies, so they 
> are assuming levies should exist anyway (without even questioning why); 
> what a tricky questionnaire then-. Obviously without calling them directly 
> trickster, but pointing at how tricky the questions are.

Look at the actual questions. They are mostly about numbers and other facts. 
To answer some of them, we would have to interview people e.g. from 
collectin societies. And they will be utterly surprised, if not worse, about 
our questions.

> > I think it is time to draft a "table of contents". Imho it should start 
> > with an explanation to turn the Commission 180
> Yes, we already had yesterday a PPI meeting and arrived to simmilar 
> conclusions; such explanation would serve as a reference for EC to 
> understand our answers -to understand for the whole document why do we 
> find such questionnaire a tricky one-.
I did not attend the meeting but was informed. I saw a Wiki that basically 
turned the questionaire into chapter headings. Again, I believe that neither 
possible not desirable to answer all these questions.
> Not sure about if there are existing ones already sent to authorities, but 
> the concepts are solid if there were the need for writing a new document. 
> Regards,
I still hope for responses from others. Otherwise, we reinvent the wheel.


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