[pp.int.general] Swedish NSA to wiretap all phone network, Internet

Rick Falkvinge (Piratpartiet) rick at piratpartiet.se
Mon May 26 13:03:19 CEST 2008

> I don't want to play devils advocate, but before we really panic: there has 
> been an obligation for public telecommunication service providers to provide 
> the *ability* for wiretapping in the Dutch telecommunication act al least 

Yes. There is a huge difference -- we are not against wiretapping of 
citizens suspected of a crime. That has been possible for a long time 
now, and is probably helpful for police forces without too much negative 
side effects, as long as there are tangible criteria and a process for 
establishing the "suspected of a crime" status.

This, on contrast, is a bill that introduces wiretapping of ALL 
communication, and makes it available to defense agencies, the policy, 
the security police, and any other governmental authority. Or at least 
close to all communication (communications between two rooms in the same 
building may not pass any of the wiretapping points, but if the two 
rooms are connected through different ISPs, tests show it will.

This is an extremely serious situation in Sweden, worse than the Data 
Retention Directive, and that's why we've been working hard lately -- 
though mostly in Swedish, which is why it hasn't been very visible. 
People on the streets don't take action because the bill is so fucking 
outrageous they refuse to believe it even when I'm reading aloud from 
the bill itself. The only writers screaming bloody murder are the 
newspaper editorials, which quite matter-of-factly say that the postal 
secret is about to be abolished.

Given the silence in Sweden, that's why I'm trying international 
pressure at this point. Just getting the news out would increase the 

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