[pp.int.general] Current state of Piratenpartei Deutschland in general.

Max Moritz Sievers m.sievers at piratenpartei-hessen.de
Tue Nov 11 15:22:01 CET 2008

Gagis wrote:
> Finns are developing a system to allow all candidates to campaign with
> their own, very different, opinions as long as we agree on the core
> agenda. We have plenty of dedicated capitalists and socialists working
> neatly together, knowing that voters can and will decide which one
> gets the power.

I think this is mainly an illusion. Of course we can all agree that we don't 
want citizens treated like criminals -- in the internet like at the airport. 
Maybe we disagree on a few details there but that is not a real problem. The 
real problem arises when we try to do real politics. Real politics is not 
deciding in which way the people are searched, it is questioning why should 
they be under suspicion. Real politics is about ideology. Ideology is the 
most important thing. Hundred millions were murdered and continue to be 
because of ideology. Even more suffered and suffer in other ways.

Two important topics which are nearer to the real thing are sexuality of 
infants and illegal drugs. We have to take a well-defined position on these 
if we want to be serious.

Max Moritz Sievers

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