[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: Finally, amendments showdown

Jens Seipenbusch seipenbusch at web.de
Fri Nov 14 12:31:21 CET 2008

Carlos Ayala schrieb:

>> Maybe the 11 eligible voters should be named here and should be asked how they want to vote
>> this

is there a WIKI-page or anything where those 11 persons are named ?

> - voting rules were not approved by me, but by eligible voters'
representatives -Andrew, Anton, Artemiusz, Roderick, Helmut, Ole, etc-

as i pointed out, Helmut was not eligible on behalf of the german party
to decide on the voting mode for us.
I surely dont want to change voting rules during the ballot, but up to
now in fact i did not agree to any voting rules.
Again i cant accept any deadline until this is sorted out.

I would like to hear the votes of the other 10 eliglible voters on the
voting mode and if they think they already agreed on it - as simple as that.
Therefore i'd like to see the names (see above).
The page where i expect the names to be listed
seems still mostly empty.

I dont think it will bring us any consent, if we just run through some
deadlines regardless of the mentioned problem.

Additionally there is some really weird point in the voting rules:
> quorum: for each amendment to become approved, at least 80 % of
> eligible voters must cast their votes; being 11 eligible voters, at
> least 9 should cast their votes

I assume that the same rule applied when this rule was decided on ?
Otherwise that would mean, that you just setup this rule with only low
participation, but demand a rather high participation to accept an
amendment for the draft - which for my understanding is debatable.

Jens Seipenbusch
vice chairman
international coordination
german pirate party
js at piratenpartei.de

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