[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: The nineth vote

Carlos Ayala aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Sun Nov 23 00:23:35 CET 2008

With one hour remaining, 8 out of 11 pirate parties have cast their votes. I say 8 instead of 8 because of Christian Hufgard and Helmut Pozimski words, which make me feel afraid of someone appearing next monday, claiming Jens' votes not being truly PPDE's votes.

In this context, I have to remember that quorum for votings to become valid is a minimum turnout of 9 out of 11 eligible voters, so for some amendments one additional voter would be required. After saying that, I must say that Piraten Partij would may cast its vote; however I adviced Samir Allioui -Piraten Partij's representative-, if they had no time for internal voting, to cast their vote only if he was pretty sure about he being a sort of plenipotentiary -e.g., the way Jens is acting (as apparently PPDE held no voting)-, because I want to avoid that any kind of controversy may be cast upon the Manifesto, Samir, or me -as cast votes are supposed to be party votes, not individual votes; there resides, I think, the legitimacy of all this process-.

After seemingly PPUS & PPAU not being able to cast their votes, only ballots would be valid -and only for amendments 2nd & 5th, as the rest have only 6-7 votes- with Samir's vote. I desire, I want, I dream of us reaching the quorum, however I don't want that for the sake of quorum we start an argument about votes already cast after they have been cast. Hope Samir finally can be able to cast Piraten Partij's votes in time, to be able to have the nineth vote -at least, in 2 out of 7 ballots-. Regards,

                                                              Carlos Ayala
                                                              ( Aiarakoa )

                                       Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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